On Air. Tuning into Wireless

Single channel digital video, colour. 6:01 min

The Wills Wanders series of short films and publications explore where scientific facts meet fiction. Based on a personal collection of postwar instructional manuals the films celebtrate the knowledge and collection of fabled AE Wills.

On Air follows the journey of a wireless broadcast as a radio wave sets off on the dreamlike path to its destination. A humorous filmic collage of found footage, made images and animation the film reflects the ideas conjured in my own mind on pondering the intriguing place names on the early radio dials. The scientific propositions are deliberately ambiguous and unconventional. The films failing to deliver in their guise as information films, cultivate a curiosity for the true facts which are explored in the accompanying publications.




Pop Up, Curated screening, Brighton Digital Festival, WRO Media Art Biennale, Wroclaw,Poland. South Central Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth